Al Platt

It's our belief at Express Lane Strategies that every candidate deserves a professional campaign, and with that comes a professional website. Though we knew that taking on incumbent GOP representative Mike Clampitt in NC's southwest would be a tough fight, we took on local architect Al Platt's campaign because we knew that the voters in the 119th deserved a real choice at the polls, and we knew that you can't win if you don't start by trying.

With Al's site, we took a clean, minimal approach that matched his branding—strong, geometric shapes that called to his background as an architect and kept things clear and simple. When you land on the page, you're immediately hit with what matters most: how to stay in touch, voter information, and everything you need to know about Al.

Like all of our websites, Al Platt's site is developed on our easy-to-use XPSLane visual builder, helping ensure that it was a simple process for stakeholders on his campaign to keep information up-to-date as needed. Our digital team also regularly managed security and maintenance updates, ensuring that his sitestayed up-to-date and freeing up Al and his campaign team to spend less time worrying about technology headaches and more time focusing on their campaign.

(Heads up! Al's site is on an archive link, so some of the functionality may not be exactly the way it was when it was live on the web.)

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